Otros proyectos - Dpto
Movilidades de alumnado y profesorado de FP. Proyectos internacionales en la Formación Profesional.
Contact: Negociado Internacionalización FP
Email: fpeuropa@educacion.navarra.es
Phone: +34 848426359 / +34 848426398
ARIES4: KA2 Cooperación para la innovación, proyecto 101056369 – ERASMUS+ (2023-2025). Alliance of Regional Innovation Ecosystems on smart & sustainable specialization strategies.
Smart Specialization is a European innovation policy characterized by the identification and strengthening of regional competitive advantages with wide stakeholder involvement. In the context of the European Green Deal and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Smart Specialization Strategies are facing a transition towards Smart Sustainable Specialization Strategies - strategies in which sustainability is a core factor. ARIES4 is an alliance of four European regions pioneering such transition. It aims to create a scheme of cooperation and flow of knowledge among the main actors of smart specialization strategies: universities, vocational training providers, the public sector, the business sector, and the broader society.