Torneos de Debates en Inglés del Negociado de Programas Lingüísticos

Contacto: Negociado de Programas Lingüísticos
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: 848423355


WINNERS 2024-25


Winners in Category A:

1st: CPEIP Juan de Palafox 

2nd: C.Con. Nuestra Señora del Huerto

Best Speaker: Gonzalo Díez Llorens


Winners in Category B:

1st: C. Con. Vedruna FEC

2nd: IES Zizur BHI

Best Speaker: Inés García de Olza


Winners in Category C:

1st: IES Basoko BHI

2nd: IES Zizur BHI

Best Speaker: Irati Corominas de Garay



This Tournament is an excellent opportunity for students to get involved in the world of debating, and to get them to develop their Critical Thinking skills, as well as their Oracy.

By starting to teach them on how to debate since they are in Primary Education, and mantaining the continuity of the Tournaments in Secondary Education, we will help them to develop these essential skills.


What are the objectives?

  • To foster collective learning. 

  • To develop critical thinking in students, awakening their curiosity and making them question approaches, while generating their own point of view.

  • To  activate and enhance their communication skills.

  • To convey important values such as mutual respect, active listening, empathy and sportsmanship in competition. 

  • To analyse subjects of interest and/or current affairs.

  • To make them able to build their own opinion on certain subjects.

  • To promote their autonomy, and their freedom of speech and thought.


Who is it for?

  • Public and Concerted schools in the Comunidad Foral of Navarra (PALE and not PALE)

  • Category A: Students in 5th and 6th of Primary Education. Motion: "Schools uniforms are good for students".

  • Category B: Students in 1st and 2nd of ESO. Motion: "All students should have 10 minutes of homework per main subject per day".

  • Category C: Students in 3rd and 4th of ESO. Motion: "All students should have 10 minutes of homework per main subject per day".



  • Category A:  Tuesday 10th of December 2024, in the morning.

  • Category B: Wednesday 11th of December 2024, in the morning.

  • Category C: Thursday 12th of December 2024, in the morning.


Debate training:

This year we have had two different training courses on this subject:

  • a 10-hour online course with CNAI
  • a 5-hour face-to-face course with an expert from Concern Worldwide

Another online course is being planned. When we have more information on this course, we will post it here.


Applications for 2025-26:

The application period for the next school year hasn´t opened yet. Once it has been set, it will be published here.


Recognition for the teacher's labour:

The teachers responsible for the winning teams will be rewarded with a 1st and 2nd prize certificate. 






Annex I: Description and Norms for the competitions.


Link to  the Application Form.

Link to the Provisional list of accepted schools (and categories)

Link to the Final List of accepted schools (and categories)

Videos and images of the I Tournaments

Photos of the Tournament for Category A

Video of the Tournament for Category A


Photos of the Tournament for Category B

Video of the Tournament for Category B


Photos of the Tournament for Category C

Video of the Tournament for Category C


Here you will find a lot of resources. They are not for our competition, but they can help you learn more and to teach your pupils how to reason, research materials, and debate.


Concern Primary Debates Handbook.  You will even find some lesson plans on debates in this guide.

Debate Classroom Planner. To help you plan a debate.

Another Debate Training Guide. 

How to prepare for a debate: IES Alto Conquero